Strings Extravaganza @ LW East

Strings Extravaganza @ LW East
2/14/2022, 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
LW East Auditorium

Hi Orchestra Families!

I'm super excited to share the details of our Strings Extravaganza coming up on Monday, February 14th.

All students should be dropped off at the LWE auditorium doors. (These doors face Colorado Ave.) Mr. Adams and I will be there to open the doors so everyone will see a familiar face.
6th-8th Graders - Arrive at 5:00 pm
5th Graders - Arrive 5:15 pm
Mrs. Freeland (the LWE Orchestra Director) will be running rehearsals with the kids on the stage prior to our performance. I will be there with the kids every step of the way to help them with everything they need.
Students only need to bring their instruments and music with them.
Attire: black pants/skirt, socks/tights, and shoes. Pink, red, or white on top. Please dress nicely, no athletic wear/gym shoes.
Please make sure everyone eats prior to their arrival!
The concert will begin at 6:30. Families are invited to come back to watch the performance! There are no restrictions on how many family members can come. The auditorium is big enough for everyone! (The concert should wrap up around 7:30.)
We will be following all Covid guildelines. Masks must be worn by all musicians and audience members. If you are not comfortable with your child participating due to Covid, no worries! I completely understand. If you would send me a quick email letting me know, that would be really helpful.

And finally, there will be NO MORNING REHEARSALS on Tuesday, February 15th. Please enjoy a little extra sleep following our big night!
I think that covers everything for now! This is a really cool event with all of our local string students. I'm thrilled this event has returned and I know the kids are going to have a GREAT time!!

As always, thank you for everything!!!

Shannon Shanahan

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