Leslie Walton » Important Dates

Important Dates

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!  Here are some dates for the HCMS Chorus Program:
**There is a document included in the right hand column "Chorus Flyer 2022-23" that includes more details about the chorus program at HCMS!
Friday, August 26, 2022 - 2:15-3:30 - Show Choir audition workshop (it is not mandatory to attend the workshop to audition for Show Choir but will be a very big advantage - serious auditionees should attend the workshop)
*All students who are interested in being a part of the chorus program at HCMS must attend the appropriate day to sign-up and/or audition:
*Monday, August 29, 2022 -
2:15-3:45, Advanced Choir (7/8th graders) sign-up
*Tuesday, August 30, 2022-
2:15-3:45, Varsity Chorus (6th graders) sign-up
*Thursday, September 1, 2022-
2:15-3:00 - make-up sign-ups for any 6/7/8th graders who could not sign up on Monday or Tuesday for Advanced Choir or Varsity Chorus
2:15-4:45 - Show Choir auditions
     -open to any 6/7/8th graders
     -students in Show Choir must also be a member of Varsity Chorus or Advanced Choir
     -any student who wishes to be considered for this ensemble MUST attend this audition
Tuesday, September 6, 2:15-3:45 - First Varsity Chorus rehearsal (ALL 6th grade chorus members)
Wednesday, September 7, 2:15-4:00 - First Show Choir rehearsal
Thursday, September 8, 2:15-3:40 - First Advanced Choir rehearsal (ALL 7/8th grade chorus members)