Elizabeth Drwiega » Ms. Drwiega's Webpage

Ms. Drwiega's Webpage

Background image  Elizabeth  Drwiega`s profile picture
Elizabeth Drwiega
6th Grade ELA Teacher
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Welcome to 6th Grade ELA! Students that are in my 3rd/4th and 6th/7th period are fortunate enough to have two teachers. This ELA block is co-taught with Cari Clousing. Please feel free to reach out to both of us with any questions regarding our classroom. Feel free to e-mail us at: Elizabeth Drwiega: [email protected] Cari Clousing: [email protected] Enjoy this fun video!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trnvhruOJhw&feature=youtu.be Twitter url: https://twitter.com/edrw96
Welcome to the new Frankfort Website! This is my page where you can find all my information!! Any other important information/files can be found through TEAMS!!!