Karyn Hermes » Welcome to Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello, families! My name is Mrs. Hermes and I am in the Gold Community. I am honored to be your child's Kindergarten teacher! We're going to have an AMAZING year of learning, growing, & having fun!  :-) 

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with ANY questions you might have!  

Email messages are always the best avenues to reach me, as phone calls during the day are very tricky with timing.



*Please remember to call the office at 815.469.3366 if your child will be absent for the day or if there is a last-minute change for afternoon transportation. 


Every student will have his/her own "Take Home" folder that goes between home and school DAILY.

  • Please check this special communication tool every night to see what we're up to & for any important news/class updates!
  • Please send any important notes or papers  (transportation changes, permission slips, Box Tops, notes, etc.) back to school in this same folder.
  • Take out and keep any other papers/completed work at home.


Every student will also have his/her own Yellow Fluency Bag that goes between home and school DAILY.

  • Inside, you'll find leveled readers that we use each day in class.  Please practice reading these books every night, & place them back inside the Yellow fluency bag to bring back to school to use.

***Specials Schedule for 3rd Quarter***

Monday:  STEM & PE

Tuesday: Art & PE

Wednesday:  Music & PE  

Thursday: STEM & PE

Friday:  Library & PE

  • We're so fortunate to have P.E. every day!  Please always have gym shoes at school.
  • Recess/Lunch: 12:00-12:40


I Can’s for 3rd quarter ELA


*I can name uppercase and lowercase letters.

*I can sound out words.

*I can identify the first, middle, and last letter in a word.

*I can hear, say, and write words that rhyme.

*I can clap the sounds I hear in a word.

*I can break up words into parts.

*I can put together the first sound with the last part to make a word. (c+at)

*I can break up a word into the first sound and the last part (cat, c-at)

*I can separate and say the beginning, middle, and ending sound in C-V-C words. (c-a-t)

*I can add or change letters in words to make new words. (bug-mug-mud)

*I can say the sound a consonant makes.

*I can quickly say high frequency words.

*I can identify the main topic and retell key details in a book (with help)

       Informational text

*I can tell you the connections between two people, ideas, or events in a book (with help)   Informational text




*I can use drawings and writing to name a topic and tell something about it.



I Can’s for 3rd quarter Math


*I can count to 100 by 10’s. (K.CC.1)

*I can count to 100 by 1’s. (K.CC.1)

*When I count objects, I can write the number to show how many. (K.CC.3)

*I can write number 0-20. I can write number 0-50. (K.CC.3)

*I can understand that when I count, the next number is one larger than the one I just said. (K.CC.4c)

*I can compare two written numerals to decide which is greater than, less than, or equal to. (L.CC.7)

*I can show addition. (K.OA.1)

*I can add to solve word problems. (K.OA.2)

*I can make a number less than ten by putting together 2 groups of pictures or objects. (K.OA.3)

*I can show what number is needed to add to another number to make 10. (K.OA.4)

*I can show how the numbers 11-19 are made of ten ones and more ones. (K.NBT.1)

*I can sort and count objects.  (K.MD.3)





















Important Dates....
3/20  Bookfair 9:05-9:35
3/21 $1 popsicle day
          End of Quarter 3
3/28 Early dismissal at                    1:50pm
        Report cards go home
3/31-4/4  Spring Break 
4/18 No school
4/21 No school
5/9   Mother's Day Tea                   1:00pm
5/19 Gold Kindergarten                  picnic
5/23  Early release 11:25
5/26  No school 
 1st Quarter Sight Words
am  at  can  go  is  like  me  see  the  to  mom  dad  look  I  a  an
2nd Quarter Sight Words
too  he  in  it  you  come  my  on  up  we  and  here  got  as  his  has  do
3rd Quarter Sight Words
for  not  play  said  are  day  into  she  went  will  looking  down  where  but  be  had
4th Quarter Sight Words
they  your  all  away  back  big  her  over  this  want  who  with  so  that