Karen Magana » Mrs. Magana

Mrs. Magana


Ferguson, Jessica / Announcements


Welcome to 3rd Grade and the 2024-2025 school year! Please use this website to keep up with the latest updates in our classroom. On this web page you will find a weekly schedule and a general outline for instruction. Please keep in mind that instruction & homework may vary or change throughout the week based on the student's needs and understanding. I look forward to a great year! 


IAR Testing Schedule

Tuesday, March 18th - ELA Unit 1

Wednesday, March 19th - ELA Unit 2

Thursday, March 20th - ELA Unit 3 

Tuesday, March 25th - Math Unit 1

Wednesday, March 26th - Math Unit 2

Thursday, March 27th - Math Unit 3 

*Please make sure your child has working headphones.



Week of March10th-14th

Module 5 Fractions
This week we will do lesson 18, 21, 22 & 25.  
Our End-Module 5 Assessment will be on Friday, March 21st.  A review will be sent home. 
Topic A: Partitioning a Whole into Equal Parts
Topic B: Unit Fractions 
Topic C: Comparing Unit Fractions
Topic D: Fractions on a Number Line
Topic E: Equivalent Fractions
Topic F: Comparison, Order, and Size of Fractions
Please remind your child to bring their homework workbook to school every day after they complete the assigned workbook pages. Their homework workbook will be brought back and forth between school and home each day.  We will be going over homework daily, so it's important that they bring it to school.  


Reading: Quarter 3 Vector illustration of stack of books | Public domain vectors

Essential Question: "How do people work together to make change?"

This week we will continue reading our 3rd quarter novel, Me and Mister P. We will be focusing on summarizing a story, identifying lessons in literature, and describing how illustrations help us understand a story. 

Science: Invisible Forces


Writing: Literary Analysis 



Monday, March 10th: Math: Module 5; Lesson 18

Tuesday, March 11th: Math: Lesson 21

Wednesday, March 12th: Math: Lesson 22

Thursday, March 13th: Math: Lesson 25

Friday, March 14th: No Homework


Important Dates:

Thursday, March 13th/ Theme Thursday...Luck of the Irish / wear your favorite St. Patrick's Day shirt or the color green.



E-Learning Schedule 2024-2025

Third Grade E Learning Schedule 24-25 .docx










Background image  Karen  Magana`s profile picture
Karen Magana
3rd Grade Teacher
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