Mrs. Magana
Welcome to 3rd Grade and the 2024-2025 school year! Please use this website to keep up with the latest updates in our classroom. On this web page you will find a weekly schedule and a general outline for instruction. Please keep in mind that instruction & homework may vary or change throughout the week based on the student's needs and understanding. I look forward to a great year!
IAR Testing Schedule
Tuesday, March 18th - ELA Unit 1
Wednesday, March 19th - ELA Unit 2
Thursday, March 20th - ELA Unit 3
Tuesday, March 25th - Math Unit 1
Wednesday, March 26th - Math Unit 2
Thursday, March 27th - Math Unit 3
*Please make sure your child has working headphones.
Week of March10th-14th
Reading: Quarter 3
Essential Question: "How do people work together to make change?"
This week we will continue reading our 3rd quarter novel, Me and Mister P. We will be focusing on summarizing a story, identifying lessons in literature, and describing how illustrations help us understand a story.
Science: Invisible Forces
Writing: Literary Analysis
Monday, March 10th: Math: Module 5; Lesson 18
Tuesday, March 11th: Math: Lesson 21
Wednesday, March 12th: Math: Lesson 22
Thursday, March 13th: Math: Lesson 25
Friday, March 14th: No Homework
Important Dates:
Thursday, March 13th/ Theme Thursday...Luck of the Irish / wear your favorite St. Patrick's Day shirt or the color green.
E-Learning Schedule 2024-2025
Third Grade E Learning Schedule 24-25 .docx