Lori McCurdy » Welcome to Kindergarten

Welcome to Kindergarten






I’m Mrs. McCurdy, and I am a part of the Green Community (Room 53).  It is such an honor to be your child's Kindergarten teacher!

We're going to have an INCREDIBLE year of making friends, learning new things, growing, and having fun! 


Please do not hesitate to reach out with ANY questions you may have 😊.


* The best way to contact me is via Email or Seesaw, as phone calls during the day are very tricky with timing. *






Please call the Main Office at 815. 469. 3366 for the following reasons:

*if your child will be absent for the day

*if your child will be leaving for an appointment

*if there is any change for afternoon transportation







Monday: P.E. and Art
Tuesday:  P.E. and Art
Wednesday: P.E  and Music
Thursday: P.E. and STEM
Friday: P.E. and Library

*We are very fortunate to have P.E. every day!  


Lunch & Recess:  11:15 -11:55 am    

 *We will be outside for recess, so please dress accordingly.







Every student will have his/her own Green “Take Home" folder that goes between home and school DAILY.


Please check/empty your child’s folder every night to see what we're up to & for any important news/class updates! 

    • Please send any important notes or papers (transportation changes, permission slips, notes, etc.) back to school in this same folder.
    • Take out & keep any other papers/completed work at home.


Every student will also have his/her own Green Fluency Bag (starting in October) that goes between home and school DAILY.

Inside, you'll find specially chosen books that are right at your child’s current reading level.  
    • Please practice reading these books every night & place them back inside the green fluency bag to bring back to school to use each day!




Amazon Wish List

Please consider purchasing an order from our Classroom Wish List. I will use our Amazon Wish List throughout the year as needs come up for special events and projects. I frequently do themed days as a reward and transform the room into something magical. Any donation would be appreciated, but do NOT feel like you must. Thank you so much for supporting our learning!


Click Here to Donate:   
