Kristen Michalski » Mrs. Michalski's 2024-2025 Teacher Page

Mrs. Michalski's 2024-2025 Teacher Page



I am delighted to be your child's Advanced ELA teacher, and I look forward to a fantastic year in fifth grade!  I will be utilizing this page throughout the year for updates on curriculum and events.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have during the school year.  I look forward to building a partnership with you to create a successful fifth grade year for our students.


We have many events, testing, and activities for the months of March and April!


DARE GRADUATION is Thursday, March 13th at 10:30 in the morning. Please return the form with all first and last names of those attending for planning purposes. 


The DARE Pizza Party will be during lunch on Thursday, March 13th.  Students will receive one slice of cheese pizza and water. Students may bring their own lunch or an additional snack to eat too. 


Ramadan Mubarek- Those students that are fasting have the opportunity to meet and participate in alternate activities during the lunch/recess period. Please email me if your child is fasting and you would like to have them meet for the alternate activity.


IAR Spring 2025-Illinois Assessment for Readiness is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students. The ELA summative assessment has students read and analyze passages from authentic texts that can be both fiction and nonfiction as well as multimedia. Then they use the knowledge from these passages and multimedia to respond to different types of questions that include a writing piece. Students have been given practice questions to help them become familiar with the digital format used on the TestNav testing platform. Students will know how to use the TestNav tools and features that will appear on their assessments.  


ELA Testing is March 18, 19, 20 and will be completed during their ELA Block time. Please ensure that your child has working headphones.

Homeroom: 10:30 to 12:00

Block 2: 1:45 to 3:15


Math IAR Testing is March 25, 26, 27 and will be completed during their Math Block time.


ISA-Illinois Science Assessment: 5th Grade students will also be taking part in the state science testing. The assessment will be administered online during their Math/Science/Social Studies block on April 8, 9, and 10. 


Testing Preparation: Thank you for your partnership is ensuring your child has a good night's rest, complete breakfast, healthy snack, and water bottle. Please check-in about your child's headphones, as we only have one spare set in class. Students may also chew gum or bring mints for the testing period to possibly improve focus, concentration, and reduce stress or anxiety which can indirectly improve performance.


Lincolnway Special Recreation Association-Go Hawks!

It's basketball season and the 11th year of the wheelchair basketball game with our friends from the Lincolnway Special Recreation Association. Each year, we have been truly blown away by the support from everyone in the district and community, and we can't wait for this year's popsicle sale fundraiser and basketball games to once again support the LWSRA. 


Popsicle Sales: We will be selling popsicles during lunch on Friday, March 21st for $1.00.


Wheelchair Basketball Fundraiser: FSD-157C Students/Staff vs. LWSRA Hawks will be held on Thursday, March 27th. Doors open at 6 PM, and the game starts at 6:30 PM at Hickory Creek Middle School. Donations will be accepted at the door. Thank you in advance for your donations.


April Field Trip- A yellow field trip notice went home for our next field trip to Graue Mill on Wednesday, April 23rd. The fee for this field trip is $12.  Please sign up by 4/11 on 


Important Days
March 17th-March 28th: IAR Testing
Friday, March 21st: End of 3rd Quarter and POPSICLE SALE
Friday, March 28th: SIP Day-Early Dismissal 12:05
Thursday, April 3rd: Yearbooks need to be ordered by today!
March 31-April 4th-SPRING BREAK
April 7th, 8th, and 9th: ISA Testing
Friday, April 18th: No School
Monday, April 21st: No School
Thursday, April 24th: Field Trip
May 5th-9th: Fastbridge Testing
Thursday, May 15th: 5th Grade Step-Up Day 
Friday, May 23rd: 12:05 Dismissal-School Improvement Day
Monday, May 26th: Memorial Day-No School
Tuesday, June 3rd: Last Day of School


Theme Thursdays

March 13th: We will be wearing our DARE t-shirts for today's graduation ceremony.
March 20th: March Madness! Wear your favorite basketball shirt or team jersey.
March 27th: Batter Up! Wear a jersey or t-shirt to represent your favorite baseball player or team.
Every Friday is Chelsea Spirit Day so let's show our Chelsea pride and wear our school colors of maroon and gold!
E-Learning Schedule
The E-Learning Schedule can be found under the Links section of my webpage.
Encore Schedule
Students will have P.E. class every morning. Students will also have the opportunity to enrich their learning in the following encore classes: 
Quarter 1 Art with Mrs. Maney
Quarter 2 Spanish with Mrs. Smerz
Quarter 3 STEM with Mrs. Jozaitis
Quarter 4 Music with Mrs. Zito
ClassLink at Home
Students can access ClassLink from their home computers!  Directions for how to access the ClassLink launchpad from home are in the Links section of this page. In order for students to not have to reenter usernames and passwords they will need to add an extension to their web browser. Directions for how to do that are also linked to this page. If the extension is not added then login credentials will have to be entered each time.
This information can also be found on the district website under "Student/Parent Technology Tutorials."
Library on Tuesday
We will begin going to the library on Tuesdays this school year.  My homeroom class will be going at 10:25 and the afternoon block will be at 2:15. Every year our school librarian, Mrs. Schubert, has the opportunity to add new books! We can always ask her for book recommendations. There are even audio books! The students look forward to this time period to grab a book and read to their heart's content! We are so fortunate to have an abundance of books to choose from in our school library.
Erin's Law Presentations
Governor Pat Quinn signed Erin's Law in January of 2013, which requires all schools in the state of Illinois to provide age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education programs for students in grades Pre-K through 12.   The Chelsea Intermediate School social workers will be teaching each lesson in the child’s classroom. The "Think First and Stay Safe" program will be the curriculum utilized for these lessons with a focus on Child Lures.
Please consider following us on social media to see photos and updates from our classroom, other teachers and our administrators. 
Follow our class on Twitter: @MrsMichalski5
Follow Chelsea School on Twitter: @Chelsea_Tigers