Kate Peterson » Welcome to Mrs. Peterson's Math Class!

Welcome to Mrs. Peterson's Math Class!

Hi! My name is Kate Peterson. I am so excited to be starting another school year here at Hickory Creek Middle School. It is my 13th year teaching math and my 5th year here in Frankfort. I graduated from University of Illinois with a degree in accounting and worked for a Big 5 accounting firm. I quickly realized that accounting was not my passion and that teaching was. I received my Masters in Education from St. Xavier University and the rest is history!


I have 3 children. Jack and Hadley are twins going into 5th grade and Mackenzie is going into 9th grade.  We also have a hamster and dog, both named Brownie!  My kids are involved in soccer, basketball, and orchestra which keeps us very busy.


Welcome to 8th grade math!! Please see the pages to the right for daily agenda, weekly updates, and assignments. You can also find websites that are used in class regularly along with links to study material for formatives and outcome assessments. Please also see TEAMS for updated materials used in class.


We are in this learning journey together and remember "Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen!"