Tammy Szkolny » Welcome to Mrs. Szkolny's Webpage

Welcome to Mrs. Szkolny's Webpage

Welcome to
Mrs. Szkolny's webpage
We are officially in the 4th Quarter!
As exciting as that is, please remind your children that there is still a lot to be done.  They need to stay focused and responsible as their 3rd Grade year is coming to a close.  Thank you!
If you are willing to donate baby wipes and/or Kleenex to our classroom, that would be greatly appreciated...it's been a year!
(you may have to copy and paste)
This webpage will help to keep track of what is happening in our classroom and school community. You will find information about homework assignments, upcoming important dates, and our daily happenings.
We will incorporate Reflex as much as we can in class.  Please encourage your child to complete a lesson of Reflex each day.  Everyone started on addition and subtraction and will move on to multiplication and division once that is mastered.  I have NINE students who are on multiplication and division and one student who has mastered more than 90% of her addition and subtraction facts!  I even have THIRTEEN students who have mastered multiplication and division on Reflex and have moved on to Prodigy!  I look forward to seeing everyone continue to work their way through the operations.


Please check this webpage for upcoming homework and important dates.  If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!


We're in this together, and we are going to rock this school year!



Mrs. Szkolny :)




Monday ~ Mod 6, Lesson 1 homework pages and complete Zearn Lesson 2

Tuesday ~ Mod 6, Lesson 2 homework pages and complete Zearn Lesson 3

Wednesday ~ Mod 6, Lesson 3 homework pages and complete Zearn Lesson 4

Thursday ~ Mod 6, Lesson 4 homework pages and complete Zearn Lesson 5

Friday ~ Please make sure your child has unlocked Zearn Lesson 6 and have a great weekend! :)



This week in class (04/07)

Lunch ~ 12:10-12:30
Recess ~ 12:30-12:50
Music ~ 1:10-1:40
PE ~ 1:40-2:10

Hot Lunch
Lunch ~ 12:10-12:30
Recess ~ 12:30-12:50
Music ~ 1:10-1:40
PE ~ 1:40-2:10

Lunch ~ 12:10-12:30
Recess ~ 12:30-12:50
Music ~ 1:10-1:40
PE ~ 1:40-2:10

Theme Thursday ~ Favorite Character
Lunch ~ 12:10-12:30
Recess ~ 12:30-12:50
Music ~ 1:10-1:40
PE ~ 1:40-2:10 

Lunch ~ 12:22-12:42
Recess ~ 12:42-1:02
Music ~ 1:22-1:49
PE ~ 1:49-2:16
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)



Important Dates

Date Info
03/28 Dismissal at 2:30
03/31-04/04 No School
04/16 ELA Summative
04/18 and 04/21 No School
04/23 ELA Outcome Assessment
04/24 and 04/25 End of Mod 6 Assessment
05/22 Field Trip to Emagine Theater
05/23 Half Day
05/26 No School



Cool Links


Downloads List
Second Step Home Links

Erin's Law Presentations
Governor Pat Quinn signed Erin's Law in January of 2013, which requires all schools in the state of Illinois to provide age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education programs for students in grades Pre-K through 12.   The Chelsea Intermediate School social workers will be teaching each lesson in the child’s classroom. The "Think First and Stay Safe" program will be the curriculum utilized for these lessons with a focus on Child Lures.


Should there be a need to have Remote Learning Day, our schedule will be as follows:

Third Grade E Learning Schedule 

Chelsea Intermediate School 


Area of Focus 


9:05 – 9:15

Pledge and Attendance 

Review of Schedule

Teams Meet with Teacher 


9:15 – 10:30 


Math Instruction 

Teams Meet with Teacher 


10:30 – 11:10 


Math Small Group/ Independent Practice 


Teams Meet with Teacher 

11:10 – 12:25 


ELA Instruction 


Teams Meet with Teacher 

12:25 – 1:05 



1:05 – 1:45 

ELA Small Group/ Independent Practice  

Teams Meet with Teacher 

1:45-2:30 Science/Social Studies 

Independent Work





Video and Follow Up Lessons on PE/Encore teachers’ webpages