Trisha Vega » MRS. VEGA's TEACHER PAGE 2024- 2025


Thank you for checking this page. I will be teaching your child Math, Science, and Social Studies. Your child will also have an ELA/Writing teacher for the other half of the day. 5th Graders have a Block 1 (homeroom) teacher and a Block 2 teacher. 

Please use this webpage as a resource and check the Weekly Plan section for the learning focus each week. I will update it each Monday before leaving school. The "Math Help & Websites" page has homework links and videos to help students by lesson.

Students will be using their assignment notebook to write down the assignments daily. I also send out homework and class reminders via Remind app so my parents/guardians will be informed. 

Sign-Up for REMIND to receive text blasts about important info and reminders for 5th Grade. Thank you to those of you who have already signed up!


Send a Text to 81010 Text this message @ vega25

or click link below


Classroom and School News- March


We have many things coming up for the Month of March!!! 


Education Foundation Casino Night is this Friday 3/7. Thank you to those who are supporting our school to secure grants and even more opportunities for our students.


DARE GRADUATION is Thursday, March 13 at 10:30. Please return the form with all first and last names of those attending for planning purposes. It should last around 45 minutes

DARE Pizza Party will be March 13. Students will receive one slice of cheese pizza and water. Many bring their own lunch or additional snack to eat too. 


Ramadan Mubarek- Those fasting are able to meet and participate in alternate activities during lunch/recess. Please email me if your child is fasting and you would like to have them meet for the alternate activity.


IAR Testing: ELA Testing is March 18, 19, 20 and will be completed during ELA Block time.


Math IAR Testing is March 25, 26, 27 and will be completed during Math Block time.


Science Testing: 5th Grade students will also be taking part in State Science testing after we return from spring break. The Science Test will be April 8,9, and 10 and will be completed during Math/Sci/SS Block time. 


Thank you for your partnership is ensuring your child has a good night's rest, breakfast, large snack, and water bottle. Please check-in about your child's headphones, as we only have one spare set in class.  Students may also chew gum/mints during testing.


Lincoln Way Special Recreation Association: Each year, we have been truly blown away by the support from everyone in the district and community, and we can't wait for this year's popsicle sale and basketball games. Popsicle Sales: We will be selling popsicles during lunch on Friday, March 21st. 

Wheelchair Basketball Game: FSD-157c Students/Staff vs. LWSRA - Thursday, March 27th. Doors open at 6 PM, and the game starts at 6:30 PM.


April Field Trip- A yellow field trip notice went home for our April Field Trip to Graue Mill, Wednesday, April 23 (jenkins, michalski, vander kooi, vega).  This trip is $12. Sign up by 4/11 on 


Theme Thursdays at Chelsea 

March 6- Decades- 5th Grade is 90s decade
March 13- Luck of the Irish- Wear green or St Paddy's tshirt.
March 20- March Madness Wear a shirt or jersey of your favorite basketball team. 
March 27- Batter Up- Baseball season is here! Wear a jersey or shirt to rep your fav baseball team.
Show your Chelsea pride and wear our school colors of maroon and gold on Fridays!

Please see the Weekly Plan page for what is happening this week.



Band & Orchestra: Here are the calendar links:

 Doug Adams


 Shannon Shanahan




Family Shout Outs
We are offering parents the opportunity to complete a "Shout Out" form to celebrate students' accomplishments outside of the school day that can include events such as team competitions, recitals, etc.
This form is linked to the Chelsea e-newsletter. It is also posted on our Chelsea page. Depending on the number of "shout outs" we receive, we will recognize students either on the morning announcements or on the monitors throughout the school. We are looking forward to acknowledging achievements by our students! 
Erin's Law Presentations
Governor Pat Quinn signed Erin's Law in January of 2013, which requires all schools in the state of Illinois to provide age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education programs for students in grades Pre-K through 12.   The Chelsea Intermediate School social workers will be teaching each lesson in the child’s classroom. The "Think First and Stay Safe" program will be the curriculum utilized for these lessons with a focus on Child Lures.

Important Dates



3/7- Education Foundation CASINO NIGHT

3/14 Smoothie Day

3/18- 3/20- ELA IAR Testing during ELA Block

3/21- End of Quarter 3

3/25-3/27-Math IAR Testing during Math Block

3/27- Wheelchair Basketball Game @HC Students/Staff vs. LWSRA

3/28 Report Cards sent home and Early Release an hour early. Spring Break begins!

3/31-4/4- No School- SPRING BREAK


4/8-4/10 Science ISA Testing for 5th Graders Only

4/18- No School- Holiday Observed

4/21- No School- Holiday Observed


5/23- SIP Day- Early Dismissal at 12:05

5/26- No School- Holiday Observed


6/3- Last Day of School (If no emergency days are used)- SIP Day- Early Dismissal at 12:05

ClassLink at Home
Students can access ClassLink from their home computers!  Directions for how to access the ClassLink launchpad from home are in the downloads section. In order for students to not have to reenter usernames and passwords they will need to add an extension to their web browser. Directions for how to do that are also linked to this page. If the extension is not added then login credentials will have to be entered each time.
This information can also be found on the district website under "Student/Parent Technology Tutorials."
ELearning Schedule
In case of inclement weather, our school will utilize Microsoft Teams. 5th Grade students know how to access assignments and announcements.  In the event of an E-Learning Day, students will be expected to follow the schedule on the left. In addition, students will have a hard copy of the schedule. It can also be found in my downloads section. Students will be sent home with their district laptops prior to an e-learning day. 

Classroom Wish List Items:

We greatly appreciate any supplies throughout the year, especially dry erase markers and pre-sharpened pencils. We also welcome gift cards to 5 Below to replenish our fidgets and flexible seating. We also welcome $5 giftcards to Raffys, Creamery, Target, Amazon, etc. for class raffles and giveaways. Please label it as class raffle! Thank you for considering a contribution to the classroom!


Feel free to view our classroom Amazon wish list- CLICK HERE .


Follow our class on: 

Instagram: @teach_fifth_fam

Follow Chelsea School on Instagram: @Chelsea_Tigers

We have #ChelseaPride #WeAreChelsea #AdventureAwaits

Background image  Trisha  Vega`s profile picture
Trisha Vega
5th Grade Teacher
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