Amy Venable » Welcome to Mrs. Venable's 4th Grade Webpage

Welcome to Mrs. Venable's 4th Grade Webpage


Great job showing up ready to go for testing everyone!  Our classes showed positive attitudes and grit to get the job done. ELA testing is complete, so next week will be math only. IAR testing is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1:15-2:30.  Gum or mints are fine for testing days.  Please be sure your child gets a good night's rest before testing days and some words of encouragement always helps too! We will be doing ELA and Math every day, but there will be little to no homework on testing days.  A more detailed look at standards and skills for the third quarter can be found in the "Curriculum Overview" tab.

Next week:

Monday: LWSRA Wheelchair Basketball Assembly at school

Tuesday: LWSRA Hot Lunch; Block 1 Library; Math IAR Test 1

Wednesday: Math IAR Test 2

Thursday: Theme Thursday: Baseball Day; Math IAR Test 3

Friday: 2:30 Early Dismissal; Block 2 Library; Report cards go home

Please check back next week for updates!

How to sign up for Remind Texts:

Homeroom/Block 1: text the message @fe393f to the number 81010

PM/Block 2: (Mrs. Ruggles Homeroom) text the message @367dke to the number 81010