Welcome To Kindergarten!
Quarter 1: am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to, mom, dad, look, I, a, an
Quarter 2: too, he, in, it, you, come, my, on, up, we, and, here, got, as, his, has, do
Quarter 3: for, not, play, said, are, day, play, into, she, went, will, looking, down, where, but, be, had
Quarter 4: they, your, all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with, so, that
Q3 "I Can" Statements:
*I can name uppercase and lowercase letters.
*I can sound out words.
*I can identify the first, middle, and last letter in a word.
*I can hear, say, and write words that rhyme.
*I can clap the sounds I hear in a word.
*I can break up words into parts.
*I can put together the first sound with the last part to make a word. (c+at)
*I can break up a word into the first sound and the last part (cat, c-at)
*I can separate and say the beginning, middle, and ending sound in C-V-C words. (c-a-t)
*I can add or change letters in words to make new words. (bug-mug-mud)
*I can say the sound a consonant makes.
*I can quickly say high frequency words.
*I can identify the main topic and retell key details in a book (with help)
*I can count to 100 by 10’s. (K.CC.1)
*I can count to 100 by 1’s. (K.CC.1)
*When I count objects, I can write the number to show how many. (K.CC.3)
*I can write number 0-20. I can write number 0-50. (K.CC.3)
*I can understand that when I count, the next number is one larger than the one I just said. (K.CC.4c)
*I can compare two written numerals to decide which is greater than, less than, or equal to. (L.CC.7)
*I can show addition. (K.OA.1)
*I can add to solve word problems. (K.OA.2)
*I can make a number less than ten by putting together 2 groups of pictures or objects. (K.OA.3)
*I can show what number is needed to add to another number to make 10. (K.OA.4)
*I can show how the numbers 11-19 are made of ten ones and more ones. (K.NBT.1)
*I can sort and count objects. (K.MD.3)