Mrs. D'Ambrosio's Webpage
2024-2025 School Year
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, February 14 - Valentine's Day Party; SIP day - early dismissal at 12:05
Wednesday, February 12 - Literature Summative Assessment
Monday, February 17 - No School - Holiday
Friday, February 21 - Literature Outcome Assessment
Friday, February 28 - Podcast Project Due
Friday, March 7 - Field trip to Joliet Junior College
Our Encore classes for the year are as follows:
Quarter 1 - STEM with Ms. Jozaitis
Quarter 2 - Music with Mrs. Zito
Quarter 3 - Art with Mrs. Maney
Quarter 4 - Spanish with Mrs. Smerz
We have PE every day - please remember to have appropriate gym shoes with you each day. Block One students should come to school in their gym shoes, as we don't have time to switch before PE in the morning. They are welcome to change into other shoes during snack time right after PE.
Both ELA classes will visit the library on Thursdays.