Victoria Manning » Ms. Manning's 3rd Grade Classroom

Ms. Manning's 3rd Grade Classroom

Welcome to our class page for the 2024-2025 school year! Please use this page to find an overview of our week, as well as important dates and homework. In addition to this page, a weekly newsletter will be sent home with your child at the beginning of each week to give you an overview of what we will be working on. I am so excited to get to know you all and work with you this year. We are going to have the best year ever!
-Ms. Manning


  • March Hot Lunch Days:  3/4, 3/11, 3/18, & 3/25.
  • IAR Testing 3/18, 3/19, 3/20, 3/25, 3/26, 3/27


Monday, March 17th- No Homework

Tuesday, March 18th- No Homework 

Wednesday, March 19th- Review (due Friday)

Thursday, March 20th- Review (due Friday)

No homework on Friday!



Module 5 Fractions as Numbers on the Number Line
Topic A: Partitioning a Whole into Equal Parts
Topic B: Unit Fractions and Their Relation to the Whole
Topic C: Comparing Unit Fractions and Specifying the Whole
Topic D: Fractions on the Number Line

Topic E:  Equivalent Fractions

Topic F: Comparison, Order, and Size of Fractions


Please remind your child to bring their homework workbook to school every day after they complete the assigned workbook pages. Their homework workbook will be brought back and forth between school and home each day.  We will be going over homework daily, so it's important that they bring it to school. There is no homework on Fridays!


This week we will be finishing Module 5. We will be taking our End Mod 5 Assessment on Friday. We will be reviewing in class. Don't forget the optional review packet will be due on Friday as well. Please have your child login to Zearn to review at home. 



Quarter 3 Essential Question: "How can people work together to make change?"





There is no new base this week.


We will be continuing our Mystery Science Unit on Invisible Forces. We will be working on Lesson 4: Magnets and Forces


No social studies this week.


Theme Thurs

Casino Night


E Learning

  E-Learning Schedule